Leffingwell Elementary School Home


Principal's Message

Our belief is that dreams are the launching pad for all students in their educational journey through life. Our dream is to be accepted for what we are, challenged to become what we can be. Our intent is to motivate our children to seek and reach their maximum potential through honorable and productive behaviors, which will enable them to become responsible members of society. Our ultimate goal is that our students will never lose their thirst for knowledge, or their joy for learning and living, and that they will always “Reach for the Stars.”

Events Calendar

News and Alerts

fun run

Leffingwell FUN RUN!

It's almost here! Our biggest fundraiser of the year has begun. This year's FUN RUN will be taking place on Thursday, October 24th.

We're All In This Together - SPOTS/PBIS Kick-Off Assembly

We launched our SPOTS PROGRAM with two fun-filled assemblies. Students heard an overview of what it means to SHOW YOUR SPOTS, played cool games with teachers, and learned our new school dance with Mrs. Overbeck. Our SPOTS store will now be open every Friday for students to spend their PAW TICKETS that are earned for showing their spots. Click here for more information about our school dance.

Broad Course of Study (BCOS) @ Leffingwell

Every Monday our students get to participate in STEM, ART, MUSIC, & P.E. with specialized teachers. In addition, our 4th & 5th grade students get to learn how to play the VIOLIN on Tuesdays. Click here to learn more about the BCOS teachers.

Welcome Back Summer Letter

School begins again on Tuesday, August 13th. We can't wait to see you! Click here to read our WELCOME BACK LETTER with lots of start of the year information.