School Begins Tuesday, August 11th @ 8:30AM

DAILY SCHEDULE (Visit your Google Classroom for the Zoom link to login each day.)

8:30-8:55am – Check-In & Warm-Up Activities

8:55-10:00am – Learning Block #1

10:00-10:15am – Break

10:15-11:20am – Learning Block #2

11:20am-12:05pm – Lunch

12:05-12:40pm – Learning Block #3

12:40-1:10pm – Learning Block #4

1:10-3:00pm – Teacher Office Hours


Class will begin at 8:30am for all students. Direct live instruction and independent work times will be structured into four learning blocks with a morning break (after the first learning block) and lunch break (after the second learning block). Please note the Friday schedule will only have two learning blocks and the student day will end at lunchtime to allow for teacher collaboration on Friday afternoons. Active student participation is required during live direct instruction sessions and attendance will be taken daily. Please continue to schedule doctor’s appointments and other appointments outside of the structured virtual school day as much as possible.